Safer sex blood test, Basel laboratory

Safer sex blood test

With this combination test you get clarity about some of the most common STDs, which are detectable in the blood.

Syphilis, HIV and hepatitis C are the most common sexually transmitted infections after chlamydia and gonococcus. After a risk exposure, the results of laboratory tests may be negative in the first few days or weeks. A definite result is only possible after 6 weeks in the case of HIV, after 6 months in the case of hepatitis C and 3 to 5 weeks after exposure to risk in the case of syphilis.

Included tests

  • HIV screening
  • Lues screening
  • Hepatitis C IgG Screening
  • Hepatitis B-s antigen

CHF 142.70

HIV Information

A positive finding should definitely be discussed with a physician. If the HIV screening test is positive, a second blood draw must be performed. Only when the HIV confirmation test from the second sample is positive is HIV infection considered confirmed.

Hepatitis C information

The usual screening test for hepatitis C is the detection of HCV IgG antibodies in the blood. However, after infection, it may take several weeks for the test to become positive. If the screening test is positive, further confirmatory testing must be performed, such as HCV immunoblot or HCV RNA direct detection.

Syphilis information

If a person has previously had syphilis, the screening test will remain positive. Only on the basis of the activity marker RPR can it be distinguished in such cases whether this person currently has an active infection.

Syphilis does not leave immunity. Reinfection can occur if the person comes into contact with the pathogen Treponema pallidum again.


Venous blood sampling